"An important and beautifully written book that sheds new light on the history
of the Deccan and its peoples in a period too often either taken for granted or
A stunning debut."
– Peter Frankopan, Director, Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research
and author of The Silk Roads
‘Lords of the Deccan is the completely thrilling and game-changing debutof a major new talent. Anirudh Kanisetti is a superb writer and a talentedstoryteller as well as an impressively judicious and subtle historian. He breatheslife into the rajas, scholars and soldiers of two nearly forgotten medievaldynasties and resurrects for us a whole extraordinary world with flair, nuance,clarity and sophistication.’– William Dalrymple, author of The Anarchy
‘[Kanisetti] writes as if he is speaking directly to you, telling you a story, and
taking you places . . . a magnificent book.’
– Business Standard
‘[A] remarkable debut book. Quite unlike drab history tomes.’
– Bibek Debroy, Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to
the Prime Minister
‘Delightful . . . a model of how one can write a ripping read while still following
historical practice.’
– Rohit De, Associate Professor, Yale University and author of
A People’s Constitution
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